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I took a walk this evening and on my way home the sun was setting. I love the fiery sunset and the way the trees are silhouetted.
I walked out the house this morning and a flock of Pinyon Jays just took off from the yard. So I went back inside and grabbed the camera and sat on the porch and took pictures of the birds enjoying the frozen pond. Not sure if the are migrating or if this is where they are staying for the winter.
This angel is one of my Hallmark Ornaments. She is Christkindl and she is part of the Christmas Visitors Series. I love the way she looks on the tree. I got all the Christmas decorations up today and I am ready for the holidays.

Today I unpacked
my ornaments getting them ready to hang on the tree. I made a pile of my Hallmark Ornaments just below the tree so it made it easier to hang them.
I am from the South (Louisiana) and we always have Pecan Pie for Thanksgiving. So I found a great recipe and made this pie - it was delicious.
I noticed this leaf on the sidewalk and just loved the great brown color. It made me realize that I love the Fall and all the great colors that the leaves turn in Autumn.
We went out to Upper Crust Pizza for dinner tonight. The San Miguel Mission is next door to the pizza place. I got this nice shot of the church just before we went in to eat.
I was outside today walking around since the weather was absolutely beautiful. I noticed this Pinyon Jay sitting on the highest branch of a tree. Isn't he beautiful.
I was in downtown today running a couple of errands. I took this picture from Palace Avenue. I always have trouble getting a good picture of St. Francis Cathedral but I liked the way this one came out.
My neighbor's yard is mostly dead thanks to winter but I noticed this tree with leaves that were just beginning to change from green to red. I think this will be a beautiful tree when all the leaves have turned.
Another walk downtown today and as I was passing The Inn at Loretto I noticed the way the sun was hitting the building. I stopped to take pictures and loved this one through the trees.
I was sitting on the porch this morning and I was watching all the birds. This one was just sitting under a bush and kept staring at me with those big bird eyes. I was lucky enough to get this picture.
Tonight I noticed the sky changing color so I grabbed my camera and headed outside. As I watched the sky transform and the sunset I kept taking pictures. This is the one I liked the most.
I snapped this picture of a fallen Fall leaf. I love the color, shape and shadow of this leaf. A very simple picture with a big impact.
I think this is also a Mountain Bluebird but I am not sure. This one was in a tree on the property - I just love all the birds that are hanging around the house.
Today I was in Albuquerque with friends. We stopped by the Bosque School to see the stick people. This is an art project by Patrick Dougherty. He uses tree saplings to construct sculptures - it was an amazing display.
I was at the Randall Davey Audubon Center today and there were tons of birds. I got this picture of this beautiful bird. I think it is a Mountain Bluebird but I am not sure.
This bird's nest is in our Rose of Sharon bush. I am just amazed at the construction and the way that the whole thing stays together through al the rain, snow and wind.
We have a few Russian Olive trees around the house. They are full of fruit right now and the birds and coyotes love them. I like the color and the way the tree looks when it is bare of leaves and full of fruit.
I was walking around St. John's College and took a short walk up the trail to Atalaya Mountain. I passed this old rusted truck cab. I think it is neat just sitting on the side of the trail.
For a few days now I have been seeing these birds around the property. There is a large flock occupying the trees around the house. I figured out that they are some type of European Starling. I think they are beautiful birds.
While on a walk today I came across this beautiful rock covered with lichen. I loved the contrast of the hard pinkish rock with the soft gray-green lichen.
Today I spent the day in Albuquerque with friends. We took a walk along the bosque. It was a great day and they still had a little Fall color.
I know it isn't Christmas yet but our Christmas Cactus doesn't seem to know that. It is full of these beautiful blooms. In a way the blooms remind me of shrimp - I'm just saying.
I took a walk downtown today and passed by Santa Fe Village. I have been by this building a bunch of times but today I noticed these windows with all the exposed beams and adobe.
I went for a walk today and while I was sitting on a log enjoying the beautiful day this bird landed in the juniper next to me. I figured out it is a Finch but I am not sure whether it is a House or Cassin's.
While on a hike today I came across this incredible oak tree with these beautiful reddish orange leaves. I love fall color and was happy I got to see this tree.
While walking downtown I passed a shop selling Red Chili Ristras and Cow Skulls. Both are pretty recognizable symbols of the Southwest. Maybe this could be a Santa Fe Postcard.
I took a walk around the property today and came across the lone dandelion. I did not see another one on the entire walk. I guess this is probably one of the last of the season since we have already had two snowfalls.